Settling in for the Summer

After the chaos of the last two weeks, I am finally in one place for at least two weeks. I have moved back in with my parents as I can not afford to commute the 90 miles from Boulder to the track more than once a week, and for the summer I will be on the track at least three days a week, so this would simply not work. My heart is still in Boulder and it will always be calling when I am away.

I also started a job today at the USA Cycling Development Foundation as a summer intern. But for the first couple of weeks I will be helping to organize the 10 USA Cycling Development Camps that are planned all across the US in the coming two months.

As for training, it is simply amazing! I am far above any point in last season and the real intense track training has not even started! Last Sunday we were doing 20 min Madison intervals behind the motor at around 56Kph, or 34mph, and I was barely breathing. I guess 3 months of intense training toped off by a Six-day at over 7000 ft is finally starting to show its effects.

And for racing, word on the street is that I could be headed to Trinidad and Tobago for a one-day race. This would be between June1st and 4th, and the event would have seven races in one day! Pretty crazy but sounds like a damn good time. And to top it all off the track is huge, like 400 or 500m, with 45-degree turns. I mean I need to go just to see this crazy thing. I can barely imagine it.

So we shall where life takes me next. I can’t wait.

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