
The coming two weeks will contain the most amount of changes occurring at the same time in my entire life, and I am not ready for it!

Let me elaborate since that probably doesn’t make much sense. It is not that there have not been changes in my life before, but now all the friends and acquaintances that I have come to know during my years in college are moving on, and unlike in high school where most of your friends are simply people you know and see everyday at school, during college you hangout and get to know people very personally. And for me I only keep relationships that comfort and help me to grow into who I want to be.

As I type this, I guess I am realizing that the whole community that I have built around me is about to scatter across the country, all following their personal dreams and aspirations. And from now on, we will only be watching each other from afar, understanding only the broadest of each other’s lives, not knowing nor being able to help with the everyday struggles that everyone experiences. Our only tool will be empathy. These relationships will no longer be personal; they will be constrained by technology. I guess in the end we will all be forced to focus more on personal attainment, which I am not ready for. Furthermore, I don’t know that personal attainment is as important to keeping the human condition healthy as keeping and growing personal relationships.

And as the time comes near I am simply trying to claw and suck out all that I can gain from these few remaining experiences.

So as we all go forth we should all stay in touch with those who mean the most to us, no matter if it is a friend or a relative. These connections are what keeps us alive!

Now I am tired, as my race today was nice and windy. So as a random person said to me the other day as I was riding home from training, “Keep on keeping on.”

Any thoughts? Stories? I would love to hear them. Please post in comments or send me an email.

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