Off to the Caribbean!

4am tomorrow I will be on my way to the airport to catch my 6am flight to travel all day to Trinidad and Tobago, arriving at 10pm. A nice relaxing day in the sky, hopefully. It is going to be a whirlwind trip. Arrive on Friday, rest Saturday, race all day Sunday (7 races I am told), and fly back Monday. It will be nice to see the beach again. I totally missed it in Aguascalientes "Land Bound" Mexico!

Anyway, I am dedicating my races to my friends William and Cassie Holmgren, who are getting married tomorrow night. I am still sad I will be missing it since many mutual friends came into Colorado Springs for the wedding. But I am sure it won't be the last one in our group of friends.

I will be sure to take many pictures of the festival and bring back a good story.

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