Where the cloud over how to eat started...

From Oat Bran to Omega-3 the age of nutriantism is upon us. From the National Academy of Science's 1982 report on nutrients, the "Food Industry" has been ever evolving to "produce" the best foods for you. Now it is time to unveil the truth about how the government has manipulated and disordered Americans' view on what is healthy to make room for those companies which profit from this confusion. The time is now to start eating real food and stop eating processed designed nutrients, because for once we should believe that we don't know everything about what foods contain, and the 17,000 new food products produced each year are NOT "better" for us. Stick to what your great great grandma ate and you will be healthier.

This is one of the most informative and convincing articles I have come across as to where we went wrong and what you can to do fix it starting today; it is verbose but it will be well worth your time.

So start by becoming informed through logical argument: Read Unhappy Meals by Michael Pollan

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