Photo Courtesy Day two was much better than day one in terms of the shock to my body. Day one was an extreme shock to the system but night two felt closer to a normal night of racing. Unfortunately, the world cup racers are still destroying us on the big gears. We are riding a 88in gear because the U-25 races are restricted to no bigger than this gear. Where as the world cup racers are used to riding between a 90 and 96in gear in the one day world cup madison races. We still believe that six day racing is a different game and thus the legs survive the six consecutive days much better when you start out on the small gear. So we will stick to trying to find our track spin, which is very important when trying to keep up on a smaller gear, as the big gears keep winding it up and taking laps. However the signs of some tired legs are slowly appearing, and we can only hope that by the end we will be able to climb our way back up to an honorable placing. Updates in...