Stuttgart Trip

I know. I know. I am very OTB (of the back) on this one. I have now been home for almost a week, but I am going to post the scoop now. Better late than never.

The trip to Europe for the second leg of my winter six-day season turned out to be a big disappointment. The travel over and the preparation for the race in Stuttgart was perfect. We were all set up to ride at our highest level. The racing started out with a short 25 lap Madison points race. We were in the front of the field scoring points and controlling the race. It came down to the final 2 laps. Ryan was in second position. I was setting up for an exchange with one to go looking back into corner three for Ryan. I heard a crash and when the field came out of corner four there was no Ryan. He was attacking over the guy in first when another rider passed him on the outside and pulled down track before he was past Ryan, chopping Ryan's front wheel out sending him to the ground. Unfortunately, Ryan ended up breaking his collar bone sidelining him for the trip. I finished racing the rest of that night and the next two days by myself, just following a rider on another team in and out.

So that pretty much sums up the trip. But for your viewing pleasure here is the trip in pictures.

Stuttgart, Germany

The Mustache Photographer's Website: Jurgen Burkhardt

Back in Belgium

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